Monthly Archives: January 2005

Pornolize Me!!

Someone posted a link somewhere for a website that will Pornolize any website you want. I did it to my website and Xander and I were in stitches laughing. My favorite part was: The first thing he did was scoop me up in his arms, kiss my cheek and whisper “You’re beautiful!” I squirted.. from Xander’s page in the description …

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I’m Gone Dutch…

Today I got up and was checking my email before school. For some reason I decided to check this yahoo group I’d belonged to for ages but rarely read. It’s called Gone Dutch and it’s basically just a group of foreigners who are living in the Netherlands. I saw that they had planned a gathering in Rotterdam for today so …

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People piss me off!!

Within the last 24 hours 2 people have been added to my “People I’d like to biff off a cliff” list. First is one of the new girls in my class. We got 3 new people with us who failed the test for the level above us, so they had to come back and do this section over. One is …

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The Ring

Today I was on the bus sitting in one of those weird sideways seats right across from the driver. The one where you sit only if you walk in and the bus is almost full and you know if you don’t sit right there, you might not get a seat at all. I hate that seat because I never know …

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You Sing Terribly, But Spank Well!

I admit it, I’m a reality TV junkie. I resisted as long as I could and thought I could have just a tiny taste.. before I knew it I was hooked. AMERICAN IDOL Yesterday I downloaded and watched the first to episodes of American Idol and let me tell ya, I was cracking UP!! There were so many funny bits …

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… are pouring from my eyes as I look at the current speeds on my torrent client!! After weeks of down/uploading at only 5kB/sec I am now finally transferring at a proper speed! Maybe now I will finally get decent ratios on my torrent sites! I will download a movie in less than a week. OH my GOD I’m so …

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Touchy Touchy!

This guy got fired from Waterstones for bitching about his work in his blog. Article Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous? Apparently this guy has a pretty popular blog and on a few occasions he came home from work complaining about certain things that had gone on there. He didn’t name anyone by name, or even the exact location/branch …

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Child of the 80’s

Another trip down memory lane for me. Today I was reading Tanya’s Blog and am once again about to steal material from her. hehe It was such good timing that I saw this after my recent post about The Facts of Life. For some reason I’ve been thinking a lot lately about when I was a kid. The TV shows …

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You take the good, you take the bad…

.. You take them both and then you have the Facts of Life! My god how I loved this show when I was younger. Edna and her girls, all so different from each other, which looking back makes sense since every young girl could relate to at least one of them. Basically the story was that Edna ran a boarding …

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Life at the Zoo

Did you know there is Prozac for cats? Ok not literally but there are drugs for cats with “Anxiety Disorders” just like for humans. How do I know this? I just got back from the vet with my crazy cat. Yesterday we decided enough is enough and took our nocturnal howler to see the doctor. It’s hard for them to …

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Routines and Routines

Mood: Tired! Chatting With: Nobody Craving: Sleep Wishing: My ankle would stop hurting (Yes, still)!! Latest Download: The Incredibles Last Watched: The Manchurian Candidate Routines and Routines… Same spelling but two totally different meanings/pronounciations. In English routines (roo-teens) are patterns or habits you follow every day, but in Dutch routines (roo-teen-uhs) are the day to day phrases I learn in …

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