No seriously, he really is! Last night he was sitting on my lap when a fly dared to fly by. Before I knew what was happening *CHOMP* out of nowhere Bailey snapped his mouth and caught the fly! Omg I couldn’t believe it. Yeah then he ate it, which was pretty gross but I mean he caught it! How totally dog-ninja is that?!
Bigtime lazy day for me today. Last night we walked to the movie store and rented some movies. We spent today sitting around being lazy and watching them. I plan on staying in my jammies the whole day! I may even nap for ages! I love Sundays, I don’t even work and I still love them.
Oh, yeah I almost forgot.. I’m so excited! I SPOKE TO SERGIO!! Sorry, I promised him I’d show more excitement about hearing from him, so there it is. Yeah Sergio rules and like, stuff! Yeah that’s right, he’s the coolest guy on EARTH!
So Xander asked me an interesting question as we were walking to the market yesterday. The question was: What do you think is more important, imagination or knowledge? What an odd question, totally out of the blue as well. I had to think about it for a while and decided that my answer was imagination. I mean without people using their imaginations and believing there is more to the world than what we already know, would we even have half the knowledge we have now? They’d never think to investigate or go in search of more knowledge if they didn’t imagine there was more out there, right? Wow, I’m so deep.
What would your answer be?