Ready to Go!

Ready to Go!Passport – CHECK!

Tickets – CHECK!

Petsitters – CHECK!


Now all I have to do is wait until it’s time to go.  It’s not so bad because we leave in just a little over a month.   I know the time will go by fast though because it seems like just yesterday I was saying ‘Only 4 months!’.

I’m so excited I could scream, in fact… I think I did once or twice.   I can’t wait to see my family, my home town, and my old friends!

One very cool thing about this trip home is that some people from my graduating class and I are arranging a gathering.  Some of these people I haven’t seen in over 10 years so I’m really excited about it.  It will be nice to see everyone again and catch up on what we’ve been doing with our lives.

My parents are getting me a 3 week gift certificate for Curves for the time I’m home so my mother and I can go together.  My mother gets up every day at ridiculous o’clock and goes walking for 7 miles before work.   I hope to be able to drag my arse out of bed at least a few mornings a week and go with her.  Together with the gym membership I should be able to work off whatever bad things I eat while I’m back there (Wendy’s, Donair Pizza, Chinese Food… HOT FUDGE SUNDAE!)

I wish there was a curves close by here in Rotterdam but the closest one is in Ridderkerk.  They are slowly spreading though so I figure it’s just a matter of time before there is one here somewhere.

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  1. Oh I wish you all the luck with the curves AND donair pizza (that was my #1 think about getting home as well, donair pizza from Sam’s in Truro) I think I gained 10lbs when I was home!

    I got back from home a week ago and am already homesick! I keep telling myself 5 more years and I’ll move back. Just 5 more years! Mind you the $8 bucks to travel over the pass back and forth was a pain in the bum!

  2. Tammy – you’re going to have such a good time! I’m so happy for you!

    I hope your petsitter is as good as you are. :)

  3. Home….


    Have some clam chowder and blueberry grunt for me, will you?

    BTW, did you find a direct flight from NL to Halifax? If so, who did you book with?

  4. WHOOT! Have a great time!!

  5. Glad to hear you are going home for a visit. With the time change you just might be able to get up to walk with your mom, at least for a few days. :) I just wish we had any kind of gym here, we have nothing. The closest curves is like an hour drive away. I say drive cause we have no public transport either.
    Have a great trip.

  6. Breigh, I’m totally excited for you, isn’t that ridiculous?! I so know how it feels to go ‘home’… Last Spring I went home and with a friend organised a reunion of our secondary school class – of 31 years ago!! It was such a hoot… Wish I could just do it again already.

    Safe journey – and enjoy! :)

  7. Yeah we are going to join a gym when we get back from Canada. There are two local, one is really close but is small and not that impressive. The other is AWWEEESSOME ( ) and has so many cool things about it but it’s expensive. It’s not so bad monthly but the startup cost is a bit much.

    I hate the thing here where if you join a gym you have to agree to 6 months or a year… because there’s -another- gym opening up nearby that will be 20 euros a month and will be brand new. If we decide to switch to that gym in the new year we won’t be able to if we are already committed to another one.

    I like the expensive one because they will have a pool and for other little things like having a separate shower so I don’t have to shower in front of people and stuff like that.

    Decisions decisions!

  8. You should just join the normal gym here :) Hope you have a great time at home!

  9. Have a great trip Breigh =D

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