Ok one of these two women is going to win American Idol this year.

It’s hard to say which one because they are both really good, but I’m positive it will be one or the other. There are other good people this season but none come even close to these two.
To be perfectly honest, other than Blake (the guy who does the beat boxing) there isn’t a lot interesting to talk about among the other contestants. Except for the marine guy who has the psycho eyes and reminds me of Haywire from Prison Break.
Oh, and who the hell is voting for Sanjaya? I wish all those 13 year old girls would realize he’s as gay as the day is long and that they’ll never have a chance and stop voting for him. Then again, maybe it’s the 13 year old boys voting.
Did anyone else nearly lose their mind when he started doing the hula dancing a few episodes ago?
Oh and one more thing…
When in gods name are they going to get this crack whore off the show?
I’m sure everyone and their dog saw this news clip so I’m not even going to bother linking to it, but all you have to see is this pic to see what kind of state she was in.
She’s no better on the show. When she gives her little mini-review after the contestant sings, 9 times out of 10 I don’t understand a word she’s saying. She slurs and mumbles and I’m positive I heard her say words that don’t even exist, in the English language anyway. The funniest thing is watching Simon looking at her when she’s talking. You can see what he’s thinking because it’s written all over his face. I just KNOW he thinks she’s a drunken little midget and he’s embarrassed to be seen with her.
So yeah, the Reality TV addiction is still going strong and I do still watch American Idol, but the last few seasons have sucked a bit and there will never be another Bo Bice. I’m yet to see someone on the show since then that I watched so intently and got so excited about (no not in that way… ok yeah, in that way too).
I dont follow this big sensation tv show, but keep up with the news. The Sanjaya and Shyamali brother-sister should have been out long ago. he sings awful now a days.i dont like any of the judges!!
I hope it’s not one of those 2 who wins.
They’re both in the same league as Fantasia IMO.
And, by now it’s Fantasia who? Ruben who?
They seemed to just fade away.
I don’t like any of the top 10 really,
but at least Sanjaya is causing a ruckus which
can be entertaining haha.
I meant to say bottom three! See? I am so shocked that I don’t even know what I’m saying!!!
Ok, I am sitting here watching Idol and I’m sick to my stomach. How in the world is Sunjaya not even in the top three??! This has gotten as ridiculous as William Hung. Are people voting for Sunjaya as a joke? It isn’t funny anymore!!!
I stopped watching it this year. With only two people who are shoe-ins for the finals, there was just no point in watching it.
And frankly, the crack-whore irritated me too much – and sorry to say, but listening to the judges whine and complain just isn’t entertaining enough…
I’ll watch it again next year – and if the competition is better, i’ll watch it to its conclusion, but this year, the Guys suck – America’s on crack for keep the gay indian kid in it.. and when the pre-madonna, model bitch (what’s her name – Anatella Barba), and Leslie Hunt made it to the top 20… i stopped watching right there and then.
My predicition – as it was after the first few episodes of the top 35 – Melinda Dolittle should win it hands down, with LaKisha Jones in second.
When I saw Sanjaya last night, I burst out laughing. In every season, there is one who just shouldn’t be there at all.
I really like Blake, too and like Staci said, I think he’s the most interesting, but I think Melinda will probably win it this time.
I loved Bo. But man, he turned into a pop diva after the show. They ruined him. It’s awful.
Three things –
1. I want Blake to win. I think he’s the most interesting and talented contestant. But I also really like the two women you have up there, too.
2. The reason that Sanjaya is still on the show might be from a little prank here in this country. Howard Stern (of radio fame) is encouraging his listeners to vote for Sanjaya every week. Not because he’s good or anything, just to make an impact on the show. You can read about it here: http://www.howardstern.com
3. I didn’t see the interview with Paula Abdul…can you tell me where I can find it? She is, indeed, batshit crazy.