Was wondering if I could write a blog with my phone. Found a WP app on the Android market and decided to test it. Here goes nothing! Adding some random photo I took months ago to test the camera. No idea how it will format it.
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Was wondering if I could write a blog with my phone. Found a WP app on the Android market and decided to test it. Here goes nothing! Adding some random photo I took months ago to test the camera. No idea how it will format it.
Read More »Each year my husband and I each get our own gifts, but we also decide on one large combined gift that we share. Either something we want for the house, an activity we’d like to try or something we really need that both of us will use and enjoy. This year we have been undecided and Christmas passed us by …
Read More »I may very well be the last gamer on the planet to hear about these people, but I feel the need to share… just in case there’s someone more out of the loop than I am. The Guild are a group of gamers who came together to make their own web-based show about five people who belong to a …
Read More »You know you have a lot of time on your hands WHEN… This is so freaking cool! A part of me wonders if this is actually done with post its or if it’s some kind of digital thing, but in any case it had to take a while and looks awesome!
Read More »On Wednesday night Xander and I were going out to see Star Trek – OMG What an awesome movie!!! – and I was getting cranky because he was rushing me. Also because I was sleep deprived… AND PMSing. Seriously, he should have known better. Anyhow, as I ran around getting dressed and brushing my teeth, I was mumbling and bitching …
Read More »I’ve always been really interested in photography but never knew anything about it. I’ve tried looking some info up online but there is something about my brain that causes it to switch off when I get too much information at once. I needed personal instruction and I never knew anyone here in NL who could give me that, or at …
Read More »Holy crap, can you believe it?!! I remember when I started the countdown on my header, it was 68 days until Christmas and now it’s here! This is where Xander and I will spend Christmas Eve – in front of the tree, behind our laptops, just the way we like it! Ok, I’m sure I’d probably prefer to be visiting …
Read More »I recently watched the first season of The Big Bang Theory and instead of laughing at the characters, I was laughing with them and wishing I was the one who lived across the hall from them. I think a lot of women dream about living across the hall from Brad Pitt or the guys from Two Guys and a Girl, …
Read More »I think anyone who knows me and my husband knows that we are major gadget geeks. Rather than clothes and shoes, holidays and whatever else people usually spend their money on, we are always on the lookout for a new laptop, PDA, mobile phone, etc. My working has really made this easier for us. This is my messy living room …
Read More »One of the things I hated about gaming, and don’t miss in the slightest, is all the smacktalk that goes on. When you play online games of any kind, you can’t escape the morons who use the games to make themselves feel like less of a loser and spend all their time mouthing off. I haven’t been feeling so well …
Read More »This evening my husband got me to go to this website to test out my typing skills. He is always curious about how fast I can type, and it irritates him to no end that I touch type and can type on my computer while watching TV or looking at him and having a conversation. I think he’s just jealous. …
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