Least Favorite Places – Huisartsenpost


If I were to make a list of my least favorite places to be here in the Netherlands, it would be here.   The waiting room at our local huisartsenpost (kind of like outpatients, where you go outside of office hours, only … different).  I took this photo with my mobile while sitting there being miserable this afternoon.

We’ve been here a few times before like The Night From Hell, when I thought I was dying but turned out to just have heartburn and other times but I forget why.  Every time we are there I am made more miserable by being there than I was with whatever made me go there in the first place.  ugh.

Today my husband came to me and said he had something to tell me.  The look on his face put me into one of those inside panics where it feels like all my organs are trembling – hate that!  I was thinking ok this is it, he’s going to tell me he cheated on me / lost a bunch of money / is gay / wants a divorce / <enter other Jerry Springer type of marital surprise here>.   I tried to remain calm and listened.

He said he needed me to make an appointment for him at my dentist because he has a tooth that has gone bad and broken, and he can’t take the pain anymore.  Uhh, wha?!  That’s it???

After the panic and relief subsided I listened to him tell me about how this has been going on for about the last two months but he didn’t tell me about it because he knew I’d make him go to the dentist (he was so right).   Apparently, the pain has gotten so bad over the past two days that he had no choice but to fess up, even though he is panic attack type of afraid of the dentist.  Which I can totally understand after my complete meltdown when I had that tooth removed last year.

A little background on his fear… years ago, like 9 years ago when I was first living here with him, he had to have a root canal.  He was TERRIFIED because of generally bad experiences with dentists here in Holland (this is not a rare occurrence here it seems), so I went with him and oh god it was gross.   He survived it though and life went on.

A few years ago he started having pain in that area again and he went to visit the dentist I went to for my first visit years ago, that I hated passionately.  I can’t remember how it all went but there between this dude and the root canal there was two teeth removed.   Then, whatever this dentist did wrong, Xander had to have oral surgery to fix it.

So a lot of pain and a lot of procedures later, he’s not just afraid of the dentist, he’s terrified.  Hence, not telling me about this bad tooth until his head was exploding with pain.

That brings us to today.   Since it’s Sunday I had to call our local huisartsenpost and ask if there was anything they could give him to take the edge off until tomorrow.   Their reply was very helpful.

“We don’t deal with teeth.”

“I KNOW you are not a dentist but you ARE a doctor and you deal with pain, no?”

“No, we don’t deal with anything to do with teeth.”


I got a number from them for the emergency dentist, which I knew I had no hope in hell of getting Xander to go to but I thought maybe I’d get lucky.   Yeah, didn’t get lucky.   The lady who answered the phone was a total bitch and was about as useless as tits on a bull.  When I called and explained the problem she said he could get an appointment at 8:30pm (it was probably around 2pm at this point).  I asked if the dentist who we’d have the appointment with has experience with nervous patients and does he use anything against pain.

Her answer?

“I don’t know anything about that, do you want the appointment or not?”

At that point my choices were to rip her a new one or give the phone to Xander and let him try, so I handed over the phone.  He had no more luck than I did and decided he’d rather wait till tomorrow than risk going to another hack job like he got stuck with a few years ago.  Who can blame him?

So we went off to the mall to see if they might have something a little stronger at one of the drug stores (the drug stores here are different, mind you, they don’t have a pharmacy in them, so you just get the basics).  When we spoke to the lady there she couldn’t believe that they wouldn’t help us at the huisartsenpost and gave us the strongest stuff they had, which she didn’t have a lot of faith in with regard to it helping his problem.

That got our back up a bit after talking to her.  Why the doctors at the huisartsenpost refused to do anything at all.  Hell, we pay insurance, and we pay DEARLY for it.  If we can’t go and get something to make my husband able to sleep for one night (which he didn’t last night apparently), then wtf, I say – WTF?!

We ended up going back and the receptionist tried to blow us off with the ‘we don’t do teeth’ routine again… and after explaining we don’t want anything done with the TOOTH he just wants a bit of pain relief, she grudgingly made the appointment.  Not before telling us that she didn’t think the doctor would do anything to help us though.

We saw one doctor first who sat and gave Xander a bit of a ‘your own fault’ speech because he left it go so long.  Yeah, very helpful indeed.  I think the pain he’s feeling is reminder enough of what a dumbass move that was, he didn’t need her telling him.   Finally, I ended up just cutting them off and telling her that he WAS going to go to the dentist tomorrow whether I have to drag him kicking and screaming and would they PLEASE just give him something until then.

I believe I also mentioned something about if they can’t, can they please give ME something to numb the pain of dealing with him if he doesn’t get something….

She left and made us go back to the waiting room again where another doctor would come for us.   Then we went in and he looked in Xander’s mouth and gave him antibiotics and pain killers, and advice to get to the dentist right away tomorrow.

THANK YOU JESUS!!  It only took us the ENTIRE afternoon.   Never, in my entire LIFE have I ever seen or heard of anyone having to go through so much bullshit just to get a bit of pain relief.   In North America you wouldn’t even NEED to see a doctor, you could buy stuff that would be good enough for that just over the counter… and if you DID contact your doctor, they’d have the prescription written before you even finished explaining the problem.

Now, don’t get me wrong… in a lot of cases I think it’s good that the Dutch aren’t so quick to medicate, but good grief!   I came very close to having one of my famous ‘This FUCKING COUNTRY’ tantrums today, but I didn’t.  Talk about progress!

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  1. And what Melissa wrote above: LOL! Sooooo true!

    Isabellas last blog post… The Scoop on Sinterklaas

  2. I’m far behind catching up with blogs. Got a lot of good reading to do here, I see! :-)

    The dentist!!!! I have to go Friday..
    My first experience at a Dutch dentist was this: The waiting room had 10 chairs and no good magazines for a girl to read but Vriendin. Not so bad, but.. My name was called rather quickly. I followed the dental assistant to the room where there was one chair. The assistant stopped me first by the lady who took my insurance information, which was in the same room. As I gave her my information & answered a few questions, I looked over to see the dentist was still working on a patient in the chair. He was pulling a tooth. The same patient had only been called back there some 5 minutes prior to me being called back, so 5 minutes seemed too short for tooth-pulling.. Or is this normal? ;-) The patient got up and left while I finished my insurance info-exchange. I had little time to make a run for it!

  3. Crap that really sucks! I wont go to a dentist here until my teeth start falling out. It pisses me off how things go here sometimes. We waited almost 3 hours in the ER when my son fell off of his bike and needed that special glu to close the gap up. After they admitted that they forgot about us we went back,the doctor stuck a tiny bandaid on his eye and gave the thumbs up sign. I was this close to giving him my own finger sign. Had we been back home I would have gone to the store and bought what we needed..now he has a scar above his eye. I have Tylenol Pm’s from back home if he needs them. It’s a pain killer plus sleep aid. I have tried so many sleep aids/pain killers here and nothing works for me. I need more than this candy ass homeopathic stuff they give you.
    I sure hope he feels better soon! I dont think they need to over medicate here but it sure would be nice to make my own choice sometimes in what I want to take.

    Sonyas last blog post… Crockpot Stuffed Peppers

  4. Lurker alert here :)

    I’ve been hearing good things about this dentist:
    I still need to check them out myself, but maybe it’s something to consider next time…

  5. When I lived in Holland for a year (the most miserable year of my life, and I am Dutch), our huisarts refused to take a look at my then 5 year old brother’s ear infection.

    Needless to say, my mom drove us all to Brussels where we were immediately helped by our doctor there.

    Chantalles last blog post… Horses

  6. Having successfully avoided the dentist for 26 years and counting, I have no right to say anything except whenever I break the dentist drought will be a DOOZY of an appointment… but I’ve already starting lining up dentist referrals to prepare for that day.

  7. Wow, not very understanding!

    I hate the “it’s your fault you should have taken care of (insert whatever problem you have) earlier” blahblahblah. Humans are not machines. We KNOW we screw up sometimes!

  8. I so hate the huisarts here. I understand that they like to stray away from medicating someone so quick. So I guess if your near falling into a coma or near deaths door, would be a valid reason to belive a person is in great pain. The people behind the desk DO sit around and drink to much friggen coffee understand anything.

    Decoras last blog post… Granny gone wild

  9. Oh god I hate the dentist as well. Its the worst day of my life every year when I have to go to my yearly checkup.. I always seem to have a small hole or some flak that needs to be removed..

    But damn! you guys had a hard time getting some decent painkillers. I truly feel sorry for you Xander. I usually only call the office of my regular doctor to get a prescription, and they just fax it to the local pharmacy down the street where I live.
    I seriously would have flipped out if something like this would have happened to me.

    Eriks last blog post… Blog image issue

  10. Ugh I spent last Sunday at the huisartsen post with a killer ear infection that was bad enough that it had made my salivary glands infected… but the doctor didn’t want to give me antibiotics because I didn’t have pus oozing into my mouth yet!! I was about to kill someone. I find nagging and refusing to leave until you are dealt with in a proper manner seems to work *L*

    Kims last blog post… Texel- A Week in Review

  11. Yup… that would be the common Dutch experience on this kinda thing…

    This is exactly why I usually have my boss send me to one of his colleagues in the med ctr… The ONLY perk to working there…

    Hope Xander feels better soon!

    DutchBitchs last blog post… That’s what friends are for…

  12. Incredible.. just give the drugs and shut it! You can get weed at the drop of a hat, but god forbid you can get a perscription for codeine.

    Melissas last blog post… “From Russia with Love”

  13. @Laura: I did the spoiled brat fits thing for yeeears and it got me nowhere haha just on the bad side of a few people and no closer to home. So now I just find a way to deal :P

    @Danielle: Thankfully I did find a good dentist, or… he was good for the one time I was there. I can’t imagine it’s fun for the people who work at the huisartsenpost, especially here in Rotterdam where there is so much ‘riffraff’ but still, there should be some level of service. Especially when someone is obviously in pain!

  14. Danielle Mutsaers

    It must be something with huisartsenposten too. The women at ours are SO rude and unhelpful. It’s like they have no interest in actually helping someone, they’re just there to drink coffee and put in their hours.

  15. Danielle Mutsaers

    I totally understand what you’re saying. The mentality here is infuriating so much of the time, and God forbid anyone in the service industry actually did their JOB, and did it with any kind of willingness or pleasure.

    I have had some bad experiences with health care, including our first huisarts who told Leander that his wife asks too many questions, and our dentist is terrible (I’m looking for a new one now).

    I’m so sorry that Xander had to spend the whole day in pain. I hope his appt. goes well and they can fix his problem with minimal trouble.

    I am amazed you found a store open on Sunday though! I guess in R’dam they’re open now.

  16. Hope the meds kick in quick! You are amazing, I don’t know how you and Penny do it. I think I would be throwing spoiled brat fits until he decided to divorce me or move to the states hahaha

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