
I was staying at my Nana Hazel’s for some reason, but she and papa weren’t there. The house was sort of different, it was bigger with more rooms and painted different colors. There was some big thing going on, I’m not sure what but everyone was in such a rush to get things ready and were getting all dressed up. I was kicking myself because I didn’t bring the purple dye to touch up my hair and for some reason I let someone bleach it, so I was blond. When I looked in the mirror I saw that I was younger than I am now, I was probably around 17 or so.

There were two bedrooms seperated by a bathroom and what is normally the kitchen was also turned into a bedroom. My mother, father and I shared this with some other people I didn’t recognize. In the bedroom to the left of the bathroom was a guy, who in the start of the dream was around my age but seemed to grow older as the dream went on. I was attracted to him I think, I vaguely remember something happening but it’s slipping from my mind now. He was some other nationality, tall, dark hair and skin.. in a way he sort of resembled Jeff Goldbloom.

I wanted the bedroom he was staying in but I was hesitant to bug for it because I remembered that my sister once told me it was haunted. I was thinking anything was better than sharing a bedroom with so many people..

I got up in the morning and everyone was getting ready to go somewhere. People seemed nervous and some were in uniforms. My parents took me to this TV screen where there was a woman and three children. My father told me to say hello to them so I did. It was like a news show but the people who were on it could see us too. After I said hello I listened to what the news was saying, this was the family of a king. I don’t remember the king’s name but it was the man who’s bedroom I wanted, that I think I had some kind of affair with. I suddenly felt really guilty, and that’s when I looked at him and he was older than he was before.

He was wearing a uniform and he looked like a really dashing young king, like a new king you see in the movies. I don’t know where we were going but my father, who wasn’t my real father in my dream but some movie-like military man, lead the way. As he was walking away from us I saw that we were in a big city, one I’ve never seen before and it seemed like it was decades before I thought it was. For some reason I felt a huge need to run after him, as I did I saw the king raise his arm and shoot my father in the back, then all hell broke loose. There were soldiers coming out of everywhere, shooting people mercilessly. The king was screaming to me to come back, that I didn’t understand but I ran and ran getting shot at again and again before I ducked around a corner and hid.

From where I was crouched down I could see through an inner window of the building I was in. Everything was in rubble and people were running for their lives. I was sobbing so hard my chest hurt and I thought it was weird that the soldiers didn’t see me. Other people started ducking down, pushing themselves into the corner I was hiding in. Before I knew it there was about ten people all curled up around me trying to shield themselves from the fighting. I was scared to death and secretly wishing they’d all leave because the soldiers would definately notice a pile of people that big.

They DID notice and started coming over grabbing at the people trying to drag them out of the pile. I’m not sure why they didn’t just stand there and shoot but as the people were getting pulled away they were getting closer and closer to me. Then I saw the king coming through the soldiers, he held his hand out to me and he was younger again. I don’t know why I trusted him but I had nothing to lose at that point. I took his hand and he pulled me from the crowd.

The next thing I remember we were sitting in a booth at a restaurant with my family. My father is there, my mother, everyone was there laughing and having a good time. They were giving me these understanding looks, patting me on the head and acting like it was cute that I was so frightened, as if there was some master plan that I didn’t know about. The king was there, dressed in normal clothes again. He was looking at me as though he loved me or something and I was so conflicted inside. I could feel a gun in my hands under the table but it was as if I was also looking from the outside. I could see myself sitting pointing the gun at him under the table, sort of as though I was watching a movie. Then I shot him. He wasn’t angry or even surprised.. he sat there smiling at me and telling me it was all worth it as he was dying. When I saw that he still looked at me that way even after I shot him, I immediately regretted it. The others didn’t even appear to realize what was going on, they were busy chatting and eating their fries. The last thing I remember was kneeling beside him outside the booth and crying as he looked down at me with the most beautiful, loving smile. I didn’t actually see him die before I woke up.

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