Dr. All In Your Head Redeems Himself

Ok, so as I mentioned in my post about my latest visit to the Doc the one thing he did agree to do was to send me to get x-rays of my foot.   I’d stepped on one of the dogs toys months ago and my foot has been bothering me since.  After squeezing around my pinky toe for a while and hitting the right spot, he pretty much had to peel me off the ceiling.  His opinion was that since there was nothing broken and it being so tender in that one particular spot, that I injured the joint and it was getting inflamed.   He gave me a shot of cortisone into the joint in hopes that it would give the joint a chance to heal.  If it isn’t feeling significantly better after two weeks, he will give me a follow up shot to give it some more time.

Now for the interesting part.  While I was there to get the shot, which I had been DREADING as I didn’t want to see him again after my previous experience, he asked if I had a chance to think about our conversation.   I told him that I had thought about it and that I didn’t agree with him.  I basically explained what I said in my post where I explained it here.

I think he must have either been feeling bad, or maybe his wife (partner in the practice and the doctor I see most often) gave him a kick in the arse.   In any case he was much more friendly and seemed to think that we had some kind of miscommunication.   In the beginning I was of the opinion that I couldn’t really imagine what miscommunication would make a doctor say something like that, but I shut up and listened to him.

He had us in his office for 30-40 minutes talking and sort of hashing it all out, and in the end he sent me for blood work to check my cholesterol, blood sugar, thyroid, kidney and liver.  I have to phone on Monday to find out the results of those.

He is also giving me a referral to see a dermatologist that specializes in hair loss, which makes me very happy.  My hair has been thinning out quite drastically over the past 3-4 years (especially around the crown) and it’s gotten to the point where I’m completely paranoid and angry about it.  Also frustrated by the fact that nobody would or could help me.   I’m hoping that this doctor will at least be able to stop it from falling out more, even if they can’t make what is gone grow back.   When I was having the fertility issues my gynecologist sent me to a dermatologist at the same hospital where she was, but all he did was look at my head and say “Yes, you are losing your hair.”  Well, no shit Sherlock!   He said there was nothing he could do, didn’t explain why it was falling out or if it would continue to do so.   Hopefully the new dermatologist will have the answers to those questions… please keep your fingers crossed for me with that!

So, that’s the update on my doctor situation.  I don’t know if I caught him on a bad day the last time or what, but it was a total turnaround when I saw him on Thursday.   My crappy appointment was at 4:40pm on a Friday, so maybe that had something to do with it.   I got him at the very end of his week and he was in a crappy mood?  Not really an excuse for such insensitive treatment but I guess we all have our moments.

I was told (by my therapist after explaining the episode at the doctor) that it’s possible to have more than one doctor, and that it’s entirely up to me who I see for what issues.  So while I am going to give my current doctors another chance, I may still look into this International clinic in Den Haag.   I’m quite curious to see what their opinion would be on our fertility issues.

I’ll keep ya’s posted!

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  1. Holy crap! You must feel so much more better now that he actually took you seriously this time and -did- something, sending you to tests etc. Even though it can’t completely patch up the trauma you must have gotten from the first time, it must still be comforting to know he had been feeling a little bad at least and wasn’t the horrible monster we all thought. ‘Cause, that’s the thing that hurts me the most when someone is mean, losing just a little more faith in humanity.

    Very anxious to hear if the test results come back with anything revealing!

  2. Thyroid will cause hair loss – if your tests come back positive, a small pill will take care of it. Also causes dry skin, night sweats, weight issues, etc. depending if it is high or low. Hopefully things will work out for you now that the Dr does seem to care!

  3. Hope he can figure it out! Nothing worse than a doctor who tells you to “walk it off” and doesn’t care.

    Zhus last blog post… French Cuisine

  4. Monica Van Maanen

    Glad things went better!

  5. Well I’m kind of relieved, but still a little apprehensive about moving to Utrecht with kids and needing a doctor and all. Yours is not the first poor account of Dutch doctors I’ve heard. Definitely checking out that clinic in Den Haag when I get there…

    alalas last blog post… two Dutch schools

  6. Dang I can not believe it. Since I moved here my freaking hair has been falling out like crazy..same area aswell!
    Im so so so happy that the doctor has changed his tune. Im also glad you were able to get some blood work done and hopefully things will change for the better now and you can start figuring somethings out health wise.

    Sonyas last blog post… Happy Easter!

  7. I am so pleased that a Dr over there finally redeemed themselves!! I was just reading an article about PCOS in my healthy food magazine and hair loss, as you probably know, is one of the symptoms. I will be interested to hear if the dermatologist brings that up as a possible cause (which they should if they’re a specialist in the area!). I would also still urge you to go to the international clinic is well, as I was really surprised when you said no mention of endo was made by your previous gyno’s, it’s incredibly common and very treatable (one off surgery, which will confirm if you have it then they can treat it at the same time) although it can come back in some cases. Totally up to you of course, I don’t mean to sound too opinionated about what you should do, I just hate seeing other people go through what I went through!

    Nicolas last blog post… Good Friday

  8. I hope you can figure out the hair thing, I have the same problem!

    mubs last blog post… Yah, it’s more Pyrex- try to act surprised!

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