“It was bad enough when we were fighting the Terminators. But then the Transformers came. Now we just call them the Transforminators – John Connor
Maybe they should have gone this route and killed two birds with one stone? I haven’t seen the new Terminator movie yet but I have heard some pretty bad reviews already. Transformers is still a mystery. Thank god I’m so easy to please though, at least when it comes to movies. I’ll probably love them both even if other people think they suck.
Just saw Terminator last night, and I thought it was great. I wasn’t expecting to like it so much, even though I loved the other Terminator movies. There was a point, though, when one of the machines “transformed” and I was all, “WTF??? This isn’t Transformers!” I’m sure I’ll be dragged to see Transformers when it comes out later in the summer…
Ginger Magnolias last blog post… Warning: Mushy Stuff Ahead
You mean the terminators actually transform? I thought it was all a joke! I’ll probably like it too, I tend to like all those big blockbuster movies.
Haa, loved that! Yeah, I get to see like three movies a year, so I like just about everything I see.
alalas last blog post… should’ve named her Bill
With movies like Transformers and Terminator, no matter what the reviews say, we will go see them. There’s just no question about it. I think they’ll probably both be fun.
oh that’s just too classic. Yeah, do like i do and just enjoy the movie and have fun. :D
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