
I just finished watching this movie with Xander. I HATE IT! I only hate it, of course, because it startled me a lot. I love scary movies but I HATE being startled (So for those of you who might consider sending me one of those fucking online things that look nice and suddenly a scary face jumps out at you.. don’t.). This made watching this movie very difficult for me because I found the story somewhat intriguing but at the same time I was scared and watching it with my hands over my face and peeking through my fingers. The ending was weak and unfulfilling, it left me kind of confused and I still don’t really know what the hell was going on. So it wasn’t really worth the time I spent torturing myself trying to get through it. Anyway, the reason I’m writing this is because I couldn’t go to bed right after watching it. I had to get up and do something else in between or I’d have bad dreams for sure. OH! One thing I can say about the movie is that the kid in it really can act. He managed to scare the bejesus out of me.. he makes a really good creepy face. So, would I suggest this movie, who the hell knows. I don’t know what I think of it really.

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