Latest Stabbing and Stuff

This was a great weekend.. We borrowed Xander’s friend A’s car again and went off to the beach with Bailey on Sunday afternoon. As you can see, he loved it… once he got used to it and stopped acting like a spaz.

Bailey in the Car

It took us a while to get him to stop wiggling in between the seats trying to get on my lap. I also had to train Xander not to come to my window if he gets out of the car because the dog leaps on me and scratches me to bits trying to get out to be with him. I look battered, between the bruises on my thighs from him stomping on me (Bailey I mean, not Xander) and scratches all on my arms from him trying to climb his way over me to get to the preferred puppy-parent.

He wasn’t the only one having fun, mind you. After almost 7 years without a car, I was just as bad as the dog for sitting excitedly in my seat and sticking my head out the window to blow my hair back.

Aah Sun!!

As you can see I finally took the plunge and gave my hair another chop. It’s quite short in the back and grows longer towards the front, which is exactly what I wanted because the hair hanging on my neck was way too hot when I’m exercising. I went into the shop thinking I was going to get my black and red colors again but decided to go for something different. So I got what they called “Purple Black” with “Purple Red” streaks through it. So overall my hair looks some kind of blackish, reddish, purplish color… works for me.

After losing my labret I’ve been feeling naked on my face. Between my natural colored hair and lack of labret I suddenly felt like such a wallflower. So boring and dull… of course maybe that means I’m a total attention whore (who.. me?! *mockshock*) by always wanting to do new things piercing / tattoo / hair -wise but it’s just who I am.

After almost two months of deliberation I decided to take the plunge and get my vertical labret.

Vertical Labret Vertical Labret

I had it done at Tattoo Bob on the Delistraat here in Rotterdam. They are the same people who did both of my tattoos and all of my piercings except the labret I removed. I can’t rave about them enough… it’s a family business and they are all very friendly. Going there is so much fun, I almost wish I knew them better so I could just hang out there all day. haha

Now about the piercing.

Every piercing differs when it comes to the pain of the actual piercing process and the pain afterwards. Some piercings I’ve had didn’t hurt much at all at any time, like my eyebrow. Other piercings, like my tongue, didn’t hurt during the piercing but hurt very badly for up to a week afterwards. My nose piercing hurt for a split second and was quite sore afterwards, but not a sharp pain .. rather that pain like after you get your ear pierced, a really strong heat.

I would have to say that the vertical labret was the most painful during the piercing of all I’ve had done. Firstly, because it’s a surface piercing they need to mark the point of entry and exit. They can’t just mark one spot and go straight through like with the labret or nose… which means when the time comes to actually do the piercing, they have to go slower to make sure to come out at the right spot. This is what makes it more painful, because it lasts longer.

Once it’s through, it hurts quite badly for about a minute or two, but when the piercing is in fully and it’s not being tugged or twisted anymore the pain dies down very quickly.

Afterwards, I would compare the pain to any other cut or sore in or on your mouth. It doesn’t hurt most of the time and the only time you feel any pain is if you nudge it by mistake or something salty you eat gets into it. It seems to be about the same level of pain afterwards as the eyebrow or labret. Tender but not a bother at all, it doesn’t stop you from eating, drinking, or doing anything else you’d ordinarily do. Although, I’ve been very careful and kept my hubby’s kisses to quick pecks so far and don’t imagine I’ll be doing anything more adventurous sexually for at least one to two weeks.

I go back in 5-7 days to have this stud removed and a bit smaller one put in… If I take the pain factor, the look and feel of it into consideration… this piercing definately ranks among one of my fav’s.

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  1. My friend Adrian (I posted his picture on Flickr) pierced his wrist (a labret) and man, that looks painful. He has at least eight other piercings, too.

  2. Welcome RennyBA :)

    Penny – I am MELTING!!! I’ve been showering so darn much my skin is almost totally dried out. I sit in a pool of my own sweat and feel like I’ve exercised for an hour when I haven’t even done anything. Yuck yuck yuck!!..and yes, Bailey is the cutest, isn’t he? :)

    Theo haha Horrible mental images now. I always put towels and stuff on my leather computer chair, otherwise I couldn’t sit on it.

    I think my tongue is one of the only piercings I wouldn’t redo. If I lost it somehow now I wouldn’t do it again. It’s just too painful afterwards. It was hell.

  3. I couldn’t agree more, Penny… I’ve had the chair I’m sitting in since before I had even spoken to Breigh (quite a while ago!) and I’m afraid that it might be time for it to go now.

    Leather + Hairy Arse = err..

    Love the metal B! I’m half tempted to get my tongue repierced, just to have an excuse for constantly eating ice lollies :P

  4. Glad you guys had a great weekend with the car! That was the hardest thing for me to learn to live without. Now when I go back to CA to visit, my mom can’t get me out of her car! HA

    The piercing looks great, I hope it heals well and stays put for you :)

    I don’t know about you but I am SO tired of sweating. At the gym I have learned to accept, fine, but all freaking day long…geesh! I find myself spending too much time wandering the grocery store because they have killer airco.

    P.S. Your dog is adorable!!

  5. The Queer Chef pimped me here and I say hello from Norway!
    I’m glad I payed you a visit because you have a great blog and I’ll congratulate you with your new hair and the piercing!
    Your Guest Map (signed of course!) and 25Peeps was great and I gave it a try.
    Have a great bump day and take care:-)

  6. Yup Tanya :) It’s short in the back (like above my neck) and grows longer towards the front, which is about chin length.

    I’ll take some pics soon. You can sort of see it in the pic above, the length of it. It’s sooooo much cooler than it was long.

    Ltart – I think a lot of people feel the same way, they kind of like piercings and think they look cool on others but really don’t want to do it themselves.  Like anything else, it’s totally a personal preference.  I get a wide range of responses to my piercings… from people who want to do it themselves and think they look awesome, to people who are totally revolted by it.  hehe

  7. hair chopped off????

    I wanna see pics…..

  8. That’s brave. You are a strong woman to go through that! I don’t even have my ears peirced. I don’t mind tattoos & peircings (even tho I have neither) I like to look at them on other people. i going to go see how peeps is doing. As long as i’m not on there. ha ha (it’s funny now)

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