Get It Off! Get It Offfff!


Pixel loves the snow.  When we take her out in it she sniffs around, pushes it with her nose, digs in it and runs around like someone put a firecracker up her arse.  It’s a very exciting time for her!

When we first got her she hated being outside if it was anything other than warm summer weather.  Taking her out for a walk on a rainy day was more like taking her for a drag.  She’d dig her heels in, whine and protest the entire way.  She behaved quite the same once the cold winter weather hit, acting like a total diva the whole time, as though she wasn’t born with  fur coat to keep her warm!  Then the snow came, and suddenly being outdoors wasn’t so bad after all.  So fickle, our dear Pixel.


She’s not too keen on having it on her though.  If you kick a bit of snow on her she’ll shake until her eyes wobble to get it off.  I guess we shouldn’t press our luck.  Having her out there without complaining is great, but she makes it perfectly clear that it’s on her terms and the kicking of snow will not be tolerated.

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  1. She’s cute and Pixal is such a great name for a dog.
    .-= InvaderStu´s last blog ..Water + Electronics =-.

  2. She’s absolutely adorable. :P You just have to explain her that Dutch weather is so crazy that after 5 minutes of rain, the sun will shine for like 10 minutes, then it is time to go before it hails, lol.

    I like the motregen, though. That’s cool how tiny the drops are… Down here, it’s never like that.

  3. I dislike the rain as well! Give me snow any day over getting wet.
    .-= Kara´s last blog ..As Requested By Nanny =-.

    • Girl you would hate it here then! It’s one of the rainiest places I’ve ever seen. I hope you can tolerate snow, otherwise you are living in the wrong place! :P

  4. Pixel is so cute. She’s doing better than me. I cancelled my therapy today with the excuse I’m sick (which I am, but still) so I didn’t have to brave the white stuff yet again. I’m over the snow this year.

    • Tera, I know, it’s time for this to end. We’ve had more snow than this in the past but I think this is the most snowy days I remember ever having here. I’m tired of it. I’m waiting (im)patiently for the snow to be gone and to see the flowers starting to bloom. I love spring! BRING ON SPRING!

  5. She’s so precious! (I really can’t find a more endearing term for her)

  6. I don’t blame her. I wouldn’t tolerate it either. and I dig my heals in too if I have to go out in the rain. maybe that’s why I relate so much to dogs ;-)
    .-= Candee´s last blog ..What I miss most =-.

    • I don’t really like the rain either but I think if I were out with you and you whined like she did, you’d come dangerously close to getting pushed in front of a car! haha

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