I saw the funniest website today, I swear some people have the funniest writing styles! Someone forwarded me to a website called The Sneeze where a guy was talking about drinking his wife’s breastmilk. I found it absolutely hilarious when he said:
The only thing weirder than me drinking breast milk, is the fact that milk is coming out of my wife’s chest in the first place. It sure as hell didn’t do that when I met her. I’m telling you, the whole thing is lunacy. I love my wife, but does she really have to be such a mammal?
This made me burst out laughing! I never really thought of what men think when women are pregnant with their children. I always just assumed they were thrilled to see their wive/girlfriend’s breast size increase! It never once occurred to me that men might actually be disturbed by the fact that we can actually be milked. Too funny! Honestly though, this guy’s thoughts on everything is funny. I’d go into it but I’d just end up cut and pasting about 100 quotes. Easier for us all if you just go read it yourself.
Another site that I was shown by a friend the other day was this birth announcement. I have no idea who the people are of course. It’s just some random page that has travelled along the web and ended up on my screen, but what a tear jerker! There’s something about the combination of music and photos they use that really pull you in and make you feel the magic of the event. Wow… and I thought I couldn’t wait to have a child before. We can all thank little Jude’s parents for kicking my ovaries into overdrive.
Just another random photo of my other two boys (Left – Salem, Right – Spencer). Spencer was good as gold for the last month or so since we got him his medication. Over the past few days he’s been a total pain again in the mornings. I don’t know if he’s building up a resistance to the medicine or if it’s because that thing that plugs into the wall is running out of fluid. Either way I hope we can get him under control again, it was so nice to get a full nights sleep again. Crazy cat…
Since Xander and I decided to go on with “Project Baby” this required us getting somewhat scientific about it again. Not because we want to become crazed baby freaks, but just to try to improve our chances. At the advice of our friend Kibbie (who is due to have her first child in less than 3 weeks!) we decided to go with the Ovusoft product. It goes along with the Taking Charge of Your Fertility book that everyone has been raving about. I bought it but have just flipped through it so far, there is so much info in there that it overwhelms me and I can only take it in small doses. Anyhow, the program keeps track of everything from the boring stuff like your cervical fluid and basal body temperature, to the fun stuff like when you have sex. It takes all the different info into account and predicts when you are most likely to get pregnant. Basically it shows you the day you ovulate and then you make sure to go at it like rabits around that time. Works for me! I guess time will tell if it really does make a difference or not, I certainly don’t feel pregnant.
I have this week off from school… thank god. I really haven’t been feeling so motivated lately, not enjoying the classes so much and getting frustrated with some of the people in my class. I guess it’s to be expected though, when you put so many people of such different nationalities/cultures together every day in a situation which all of them don’t find truly enjoyable. I think one of the guys in the class is slightly insane though, he’s quite loud and he always seems to be on the edge of a fit. He likes to get into argumentative discussions with our teachers but he never makes any sense. So the rest of us just sort of sit there going “uhhhh” for the 10 minutes it takes our teacher to get him to be quiet. After class if he can catch one of us he’ll keep us there ranting on and on and on about god only knows what. All we know is he gives off the impression that he’s going to kill himself, or us, at any minute. I know he is in the Netherlands as an asylum seeker from Iran or somewhere, so who knows what messed things up between his ears. It’s a shame too because I think he’s probably a sweet guy, he just doesn’t know how to show that instead of his less mentally stable side. He scares me.
The Kiwi guy in my class told me about a book called Porno Prophecies and said I should read it. I’ve looked for it everywhere on the net and can’t find a description of it anywhere. I’m starting to think it must have some wonky spelling or something, I do a search on google for the name of the book and all I get are porn sites or sites for prophecies but never the two together. Argh! This book better be worth all the trouble it’s taking me to find it.
Bailey is still sick -sigh- I hope he starts feeling better soon, and not just because I’m tired of cleaning up his runny poo.
I found some unpublished book, the porn prophecies.
over here: http://www.groupsrv.com/movies/viewtopic.php?p=34049
the trick to getting that google search to work is the quotation marks for an exact phrase. here’s a link to the google “cheat sheet” http://www.google.com/help/cheatsheet.html
Other interesting reading for you.. true porn clerk stories: http://www.improvisation.ws/mb/tpcs.html
I have used ovudsoft for a few years now, love it! Its a great program and worth the money!