So tired.. Had my first two of four exams today, listening and speaking. Listening was a breeze but speaking was a nightmare.. I really am quite worried about how that one went. I hate the way they do it, if they are going to test how we speak Dutch why not just have a conversation with us. They give us this test using a recording where we have about 10 seconds to answer certain questions. For people like me who take a few seconds to process before putting the sentences together and speaking them aloud, this is a problem. I dread getting the results of this one back..
I have reading and writing on Monday, I’m not too worried but I don’t want to be too confident or I’ll jinx it. Languages are so damn difficult…
Hey girl. I know the tests are so stupid, but I am sure you have and will do great. I don’t think they expect you to answer the questions exatly right, but want to more or less hear you speak and hear that you understand what is being said. Either way I will be crossing my fingers for you ;)