How do you not giggle when saying that?
It was almost as bad as the time I had to call a guy named John Holmes and none of my co-workers understood why I found it so funny.
I did manage to get through the call without laughing, but I came very close at the end of the call when I had to confirm his name yet again and spell it out.
I can’t imagine the amount of teasing that poor guy must have gotten in his teenage years, although it can’t be any worse than Mr. John Holmes. I mean he had seriously huge errrr… shoes… to fill!
Today is going to be a long and busy day. I work from 10am – 1:30pm and then am meeting the girls at 2pm to hang out and gab, then back to work at 6pm until 10pm. At least I get a nice long break between shifts.
I’ll be bushed by the end of the day but I’m off until Wednesday so I’ll have plenty of time to recharge.
Only 28 days until my first payday… but who’s counting.
I too work at a call centre, I’ve been reading your webpage lately because I’m going to be moving back to the Netherlands. Anyways, I just had to come on and tell you, I just had a Mr.Woodcock call in!!!!!
I started laughing right in you presentation: A Canadutch girl! Well, of course you history is also funny and I feel sorry you had to wait that long in order to get a paycheck. How does it feel?
Was his first name Harry?
I would never be able to do it. I’d laugh the second they answered the phone.
And yeah, Mike Hunt… it would have been very hard for me.
LOL at Manrod!
Hahahaha, yes, I would laugh my head of too.
And Janine, sorry that I laugh at your question as well but no, in the Netherlands you get paid once a month mostly around the 22 of the month. And no, it doesn’t suck either. Another thing is, you don’t get a stuffy “paycheck” but it’s a direct deposit in your bankaccount. Of all the things different between Holland and Canada I still consider the banking system here in Canada the most backwords and ancient. Sorry. :)
OMG, that’s too funny! :) I wouldn’t have been able to keep a straight face!
Worked with a lady once whose last name was Manrod…she was very pretty and I had a hard time matching her with the name.
lol…! I would have laughed!
umm…why 28 days?! no two week pay period there? :( coz that sucks!
It could have been worse. You could have needed to speak with Mike Hunt.