Another photo I took ages ago (in February, I think) and just never got around to doing anything with.
I don’t remember how this was to apply but I know I liked wearing it. I like the name even more, Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans, it’s cute!
I tend to quite like dark polish so this suited me well. It’s not really in your face and the shade is nice. Some people just really do not like blue polish, but I am not one of those people.
I had a hard time getting a good photo of this one though, I had to fuss with it in Photoshop because the nails were so dark you could hardly see the color. I must have been half asleep when I took them because I didn’t use the light very well. Perhaps next time I use it I will try to take some better ones!
I love Blues and this one is really nice, at least the photoshopped photo looks good!
I like Catrice in general, they have some pretty funky colours as well!