How The Dutch Got Their Bicycle Paths

[youtube id=”XuBdf9jYj7o” width=”600″ height=”350″]

A friend shared this on Facebook yesterday and I found it so interesting.  I had no idea there was such a history behind how we got our bicycle paths.  I think it’s wonderful that there are so many biking paths in the country and that cyclists can travel safely.  Something that is sorely missing in Canada, much to the dismay of some of my cycling friends back there.

It’s amazing that a country that is so small and has so little space can figure this out and put it into action but a huge country with more space than they know what to do with, like Canada, cannot.  Astounding!

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  1. Totally agree. I miss the paths and cycling out of everything there. I would love to do it here, but I value my life and Isabella’s. I can get to a bike path here in Windsor but I have to navigate 2 main roads first.

  2. The difference is that Canada is so huge and therefore there is a lot more space and jobs are often a lot farther away. For this reason, bikes haven’t caught on as much here and people don’t see the need to “spare” space for bicycles. Since you can’t get to Toronto in time to get to work anyway, why put a bike lane on the 401? Sad but true.

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